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1957 yin fire rooster

60 years ago WHAT WAS THE WORLD LIKE? There were a few very significant events which recurred through the year: the Pope issued 3 fundamental en...

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Well we are to have a federal election in 2016 as are the Americans. What are Malcolm Turnbull's chances of pulling off a win. Let's look at his ch...

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2016 US Presidential Elections

I have been resisting doing a blog post on this subject as there are so many unforeseen things in the year of the fire monkey. Much is hidden and o...

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2016 US Voted

Well here we are a few days after the election that everyone around the world has an opinion about. I have to say I kind of got it right and I kind...

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2017 - year of the fire rooster

Well here we are half way through the month of the metal ox, in the vanguard of the year of the rooster. The rooster and the ox form a special comb...

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2019 Famous people born earth pig

Starting with a list of people who are born in the year of the earth pig then move on to an in-depth analysis of 4 people who leap out as good exam...

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2019 The Earth Pig

In the absence of evidence take no action! The pig is in charge of the second half of the year and the yin earth is in charge of the 1st half of th...

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2019 USA Politics

Lets look at the 3 most powerful people in USA politics. On the 3rd of January Nancy Pelosi took up the gavel as speaker of the House of Representa...

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2020 - 60 years ago

These are some of the events which took place 60 years ago when we last had a metal rat year. Here's a great link. JFK was elected in November ...

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2020 - 60 years ago

These are some of the events which took place 60 years ago when we last had a metal rat year. Here's a great link.JFK was elected in November ...

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2020 heralds period of 9

Change of decade 2020 is either the end of the decade or the beginning of the new decade - depends what side of zero you land! Why it is important!...

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2020 Metal Rat year

Change of decade 2020 is either the end of the decade or the beginning of the new decade - depends what side of zero you land! Why it is important!...

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2020 some metal rats

The first of the Metal Rats we will look at is Adam Schiff the Democratic Chair of the intelligence committee. 1. Adam Schiff He has a very interes...

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2021 - metal ox analysis

YIN Metal sits on top and governs the 1st half of the year from Chinese New Year through to the end of June / Beginning of July. The ox has 3 stems...

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2021 - metal oxen

The 3 charts belong to: 1.Nadia Comaneci 2.Julia Gillard 3.Barack Obama Nadia Comenici she was born the 11th of November 1961 at 10:...

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2021 - metal ox - global analysis

We look to overlay the globe split along the international date line over the annual flying star and the sha's for the year. 1.The Sha forces 2021 ...

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2021 Metal Ox Newsletter

2021 year of the metal ox The LUNAR New Year starts on 12th February 2021. This is 9 days from the solar new year which falls on the 3rd of F...

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2022 the annual 5 is in the centre. This tells us that all stars take up their home positions and it thus makes stronger the challenges and the ben...

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What can we expect from the water tiger in 2022 in terms of opportunities and challenges?A gua is an area of qi that can be called a palace or a lo...

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I welcome contact from people interested in working to improve their own energetic fields.

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Reduce your footprint

Today the trend in houses is to build bigger and bigger and then whack a few solar panels on the top and that is a good sustainable design! 

No way. Do it better with Feng Shui.

Read Latest Blogs

2025 Wood Snake Newsletter

This is my first newsletter since December. 2024. Which is almost exactly 12 months ag. I usually start the newsletter in the period between my bir...

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2024 Annual Flying Star

Cure5, 3, 7, 2Enhance or leave alone4. 8. 6, 1, 9Curing the challenging stars 20245 will move to the west into the gua of metal. 5 is Earth by elem...

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2024 year of the wood dragon

Chinese Lunar New Year starts 10:23 am on the 10th Feb 2024.Solar New Year starts on 16:27 4the Feb 2024.Start your feng shui fixes on the 13t...

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Period of Nine has arrived

Fire2024 is additionally auspicious as it heralds the arrival of the period of 9. It is associated with the 2nd daughter and is associated with Li ...

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Chinese New Year 2023

2023 Chinese New YearToday is the start of the Chinese New Year (Saturday 21st of January 2023).Today those Chinese who still have family in their ...

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2023 - Internal-Flying-Star

2023 Internal Flying Stars (inside buildings)Sha Qi 2023All sha chi is exacerbated by what is in the environment.if you have Telegraph poles, T int...

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