30 December 2019
Categories: Newsletters2020 is either the end of the decade or the beginning of the new decade - depends what side of zero you land!
Why it is important!
Well every 20 years we have a change of dominant energies.
The period of 7 ended in 2004 - there is a lag time for each of these changes - just as yin gives rise to yang in a smooth flow so the change of periods has an arising and a contracting energy. 2024 the period of 9 is fully formed. We are now in the transition energy when 8 is yielding to 9.
The period of 9 is already being felt. It is governed by the trigram Li, the middle daughter - the emphasis will switch from male energy to female energy. The feminine will prevail and the masculine will retreat (do not read this in terms of men and women but rather the chi of yang and the chi of yin).
Li trigram governs the heart, the mind, the passions, joy and benevolence / philanthropy. ... Read More Here
The lunar new year starts on 25th January 2020 at 17.03 hrs (5.03 pm).
I have been struggling through December to get a handle on what 2020 will bring globally and, until I decided to introduce the topic of change to period of 9 I just couldn't 'see' what to write about. The change in chi that I can detect below the surface is related to the change to period 9 and this complicates any straight forward reading of the annual energy. It seemed to me that a huge amount of fire related activities were already rising to the surface which complicates and confound the annual energy.
Back to the actual annual analysis!
Metal sits over the water of the rat.
Metal feeds water - but the metal is yang and the water is yin. Yin water cannot drag out yang metal and yang metal cannot overwhelm yin water.
Expect water to seep into metal structures causing rust and undermining of structures, including institutional structures.
Collapse of old orders and authorities but not necessarily to be replaced with reliable, just and humane structures - that is in our remit as conscious beings - challenging when things are not according to the natural order.
Each of the individual months in 2020 will also bring a different potential.
For example in the months of the dragon (april), monkey (august) and rat (December) there will be excess water which will drain the metal very effectively and cause uncontrolled over abundance of water.
There will be death and destruction by metal related events including transport (planes, rockets, drones, airships).
There will be a lot of negative rhetoric and bluff and counter bluff going on and it is likely that loose tongues will be the undoing of many alliances, relationships and institutions.
How do you counter that? Read the blog article about Period of 9 as it will give us some guidance for the forthcoming 20 plus years qualities and how to nurture them.
Generally the Rat is very helpful to the Yang Metal - this may be a year of individual prosperity BUT not for all, as we each have a different day master. If your day master is Yang Metal, Yang Wood or Yang earth then the Rat will bring you benefits if you nurture the right qualities. However, if we pursue wealth to the exclusion of all else it will reflect on our health!
The Rat governs the second half of the year, so wealth production (also includes your career) might be a bit slow initially but build up a head of steam towards the month of the monkey (august).
The months of the sheep (july 20120) and the ox (January 2021) will also bring benefits to the yang wood, yang earth and yang metal day masters. What is my Day Master? You will either have to look up the documents that I have already given you through the years or book an astrology reading here.
The greatest pressure will fall to those born in the month of the horse, those who are in a horse luck cycle or who have a south facing doors. Depending on your age, it will also fall on those with a horse in their year, day or hour with no other mitigating combinations.
If you have are ming gua 9 or have a south facing door you need to take defensive action. See below the Annual Flying Star chart.
The annual seminar will be only be held 11th of January this year - CNY is early this year (25th
of January) and there is urgency to 'protect' the south facing door. PLEASE BOOK IN as I only know where to hold the seminar when I have an idea of
numbers. Places are strictly limited please only book in if you can commit to attending as you will prevent someone else from getting the benefit if
you don't attend. As usual I cover a lot more information in the actual seminar. There are no Skype sessions available any more.
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These are some of the events which took place 60 years ago when we last had a metal rat year. Here's a great link.
JFK was elected in November 8 1960 a very significant period of time for human beings exercising enough wisdom to step back from the brink of mutual destruction!
The pill was also 'born' in 1960.
OPEC was formed this year and so began the saga of world petroleum / oil prices for many decades.
The Pioneer Spacecraft was launched in this year.
The inauguration of Brasilia as the capital of Brazil.
Significant events in the American Civil Rights Movement ... read more here
We have the 7 star in the middle.
The south is afflicted with the negative earth star 2.
The east has the negative earth star 5 which will need to be cured.
The sha chi for 2020 comes from the direction of the horse, the direction of the rat and the san sha comes from the snake, horse and sheep. therefore the fire gua (south is the bearer of misfortune having the triple threat of the 2, the san sha and the sui po (year breaker). YOU MUST cure the south gua and avoid the door if you can. If not possible, put protective guardians there and keep the door shut. Use any other door if you can.
This list includes:
Antonio Banderas - spanish actor.
Prince Andrew the hapless 2nd son of Queen Elizabeth of the United Kingdom.
Tilda Swinton - british actress.
Yulia Tymoshenko (ex prime minister of Ukraine).
Peggy Witson Astronaut and biochemist.
Adam Schiff - the chair of the house intelligence committee who has played a significant role in the impeachment of Donald J Trump.
James Comey - the Lawyer and 7th head of America's FBI (who started the bru haha over Trump, Clinton and that whole thing) and the whole Russian meddling in the 2016 American election.
Murray Cook - for the Australians on my list, he's one of the founding members of the internationally renown Wiggles team.
Lets take 3 of these charts and look in depth at them and see if there are any patterns?
We examine the following charts: Adam Schiff, James Cormey and Antonio Banderas ('cos I love him in Pedro Almodovar movies). Read more about their charts ... read more here
As in previous years, you can book in for your personal annual flying star or join the seminar which is at my home in Hobart. It is early so that you can meet the tight time line before Chinese Lunar New Year on the 25th of January 2020.
You can have your home's flying star done, or you can book in for your personal chart top up.
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We start back with Tai Chi on the 6th of January at the Botanical Gardens in the Fuschia House - 0.9.30 and through 10.30 am Monday, Tuesday AND Wednesday.
The first 20 minutes of each class will be learning and honing the 8 pieces of silk or Brocade (a very famous Qi Gong form).
The remainder of the time will be introductory moves for the Sun Traditional Long Form.
Like any new skill committing to coming regularly will bring greater competence.
The cost is $20 a week or $10 per lesson - it speeds up the learning.
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