1957 yin fire rooster


1957 yin fire rooster

25 April 2017

Tags: fire  

60 years ago


There were a few very significant events which recurred through the year: the Pope issued 3 fundamental encyclicals for the faithful through-out the year; USSR, US and UK continued with their arms race, testing both atmospheric and subterranean missiles through-out almost every month of 1957 – they also tested and trialled IBM’s (Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles). The cold war intensified and the first unmanned space flights were conducted including with the Dog Laika, who of course, perished on Sputnik 2.

Talking of dogs the first trial of a mechanical heart was conducted on a dog. There was a significant stand-off for human rights and desegregation in Arkansas (Little Rock) which ironically is the home of the Clintons. Additionally, there was a lot of coups, but also two countries obtained independence from Great Britain – Malaya and Indonesia.

Buddy Holly and the crickets, Elvis Presley, Paul Anka, Jerry Lee Lewis all had hits. John Lennon (age 16) and Paul McCartney (age 15) meet for the first time at a Church gig. I Love Lucy had its last airing on TV and Samuel Beckett’s ‘The Endgame’ opened in London. Jack Kerrouac published his iconic ‘On the Road Again’, and Albert Camus is awarded the Nobel Prize for literature. 

There were some interesting first including the 1st commercial building heated by the sun came on line in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Civil Rights in both USA and Africa resulted in segregation of Universities in SA and 300 US troops being sent to Little Rock, Arkansas to protect the rights of 9 black students to be educated in a non-segregated school. Gibson produce their flying V guitar and Sir Edmond Hillary reaches the South Pole. 


Politically you can see the genesis of some of the significant tensions in the Middle East being established or continued and giving rise to or preceding the tensions currently at play in the world. 


Feb 4 Georgia Senate unanimously approved bill barring blacks from playing baseball with whites.
Feb 7 Missouri fire at home for the elderly kills 72 
Feb 28 Kirk Douglas and Ingrid Bergman win golden globe for The King And I 
Mar 4 The S&P 500 Stock Market Index is first introduced 
Mar 8 Israeli troops leave Egypt, Suez Canal is reopened for minor ships 
Mar 13 Bloody battles after the anti-Battista demonstrations in Havana, Cuba 
Mar 15 Great Britain becomes the third nation to explode nuclear bomb 
Mar 22 Earthquake give San Francisco the shakes 
Mar 25 European Economic Community (Common Market) setup 
April 6 Aristotle Onassis buys Hellenic National Airlines and founds Olympia Airlines 
Apr 10 USSR performs atmospheric nuclear test and Suez Canal reopens for all traffic 
Apr 25 First experimental sodium nuclear reactor operated 
May 2 Gangster Frank Costello escapes an assassination attempt 
May 4 Anne Frank foundation is formed in Amsterdam
 May 6 Pulitzer prize awarded to John F. Kennedy for Profiles in Courage 
May 15 8,000 people listen to Billy Graham at Madison Square Garden 
May 17: School desegregation law, Brown versus Board of Education 
May 22 South Africa’s government approves race separation in universities 
May 24 Heavy earthquake strikes Colombia 
Jun 9 Anthony Eden resigns replaced by Harold MacMillan the following day. 
Jun 27 Hurricane Audrey kills 526 in Louisiana and Texas, and British medical research council publishes report suggesting a direct link between smoking and lung cancer 
Jul 7 Heavy storm ravages Belgian coast 
Jul 8 Irish Premier Eamon de Valera arrests Sinn Fein leaders 
Jul 9 Discovery of the element 102 (Nobelium) announced 
Jul 12 US Surgeon General connects smoking with lung cancer 
Jul 28 Heavy rain and a mudslide in Isahaya, western Kyushu, Japan, kills 992 
Jul 29 International Atomic Energy Agency formed by the UN 
Aug 8: USSR offers Syria economic/military aid 
Aug 29 in Congress passes Civil Rights act of 1st:957 
Aug 31 Federation of Malaya gains independence from Great Britain 
Sept 1 Train crashes into ravine killing 175 and injuring 400 
Sept 5 Jack Kerouac publishes ‘On The Road’ 
Sept 17 Thailand military coup under Marshal Sarit Thanarat 
Sept 25 Great Britain performs 1st nuclear test at Maralinga Australia 
Sept 26 Bernstein and Sondheim’s musical West Side Story premieres 
Sept 29 300 die as express train hits stalled train in West Pakistan 
Oct 2 new volcanic island appears off Fayal Island Azores, and The Bridge on the River Kwai is released in cinemas 
Oct 4 USSR launches Sputnik 1, 1st artificial earth satellite 
Oct 10 US Pres Eisenhower apologises to the Finance Minister of Ghana after he’s refused to service in a restaurant in Dover Delaware and fire at Windscale (UK) nuclear plant, world’s first major nuclear accident 
Oct 12 First commercial flight between California and Antarctica 
Oct 29 hand grenade explodes in Israeli Knesset (Parliament) 
Nov 3 USSR launchers sputnik 2 with the dog Laika being at the first animal in orbit 
Nov 4 2nd Soviet earth satellite launched 
Nov 7 Cold war–The Gaither Report calls for more American missiles and fallout shelters 
Nov 14 NY raid by police results in arrest of many high-level mafia figures 
Nov 18 Tunisia refuses Russian weapons Nov 30 Attempt to assassinate Indonesian President Sukarno kills 8
Dec 4 2 commuter trains collided heavy fog killing 92 in St John’s England
Dec 5 New York City is the first US city to legislate against racial and religious discrimination in the housing market 
Dec 6 US first attempt to launch Vanguard rocket blows up and Indonesia begins nationalising Dutch possessions 
Dec 12 US announces the manufacture of Borazon which is harder than diamonds and a team of doctors at Ohio’s Cleveland clinic demonstration the viability of the first artificial heart when they used and artificial pump in a dog 
Dec 18 World’s first nuclear power plant begins to generate electricity at the Shippingport atomic power station in Pennsylvania 
Dec 20 Elvis Presley receives draft notice to join US Army for national service 
Jan 1 BOAC Britannia flies London to New York in a record 7 hrs 57 mins and European economic community (common market) starts operation 
Jan 3 The West Indies Federation is formed Jan 4 Sputnik 1 re-enters atmosphere and burns up 
Jan 8 Cuban revolutionary forces capture Havana 
Jan 13 9000 scientists from 43 nations call on the UN for nuclear tests ban 
Jan 24 first man-made nuclear fusion achieved Jan 26 Japanese ferry capsizes off Southern Awaji island in Japan 67 perish 
Jan 28 the Lego company patented the design of Lego bricks which are still compatible to this day 
Jan 30 UK House of Lords passes bill allowing women to take seats in parliament 
Jan 31 James Van Allen discovers the radiation belt 
Feb 1 US satellite Explorer 1 is launched 
Feb 2 Syria joins Egypt in the newly formed United Arab Republic. 

Whilst we cannot look at the things that take place around the world and fit them into a box called 60 years ago today. However, it is useful to examine things to see what patterns might emerge. Certainly, the arms race was hotting up, several Governments were overthrown in coups and revolutions, but also several countries (Malaya and Indonesia) gained their independence from Britain. There was also the Asian Flu or Avian Flu pandemic which started in Feb 1957, in South-east Asia and spread world wide (https://www.britannica.com/event/Asian-flu-of-1957) The 1957 outbreak was caused by a virus known as influenza A subtype H2N2, or Asian flu virus.
You can do some more research yourself. Interesting to see the genesis of things from years gone by, including the previous USSR's involvement in Syria.

Mindfulness, Tai Chi and Chi Gong

Vicki has been involved in teaching all three modalities. They are all connected to a sense of the centre and the stillness in movement and the movement in stillness. There are MANY forms of Tai Chi and 10,000 forms of Chi Gong, but stillness is stillness and our invitation is find the centre of all things and move towards that. We run regular 2.5 hour workshops throughout the year and you are invited to learn more here. Regular practice is the key to restoration of balance and equanimity and ultimately resilience.

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