Wealth creation and Feng Shui


Wealth creation and Feng Shui

24 December 2016

Tags: power   wealth  

There is no greater subject which has had more written about it in the world of Feng Shui. Of the thousands of words written about this subject some good 50% is trash - yes trash. There are so many trinkets and trash that are sold to people to make them feel happier about their level of financial well-being. There is one tool which is pre-eminent in determining your wealth - that is Chinese Astrology also know by its Chinese terminology - Ba Zi.

For some people investing in real estate, for others investing in the stock market and for others squirrelling away money in savings accounts is one way to go. If you have an interest in determining which suits you then you should book a consultation. ©

Some Questions to reflect on

  • Do you already have a portfolio?
  • Is this your first Venture?

Do you already have a portfolio?

If you already have a healthy portfolio you might like to add Tasmania to your investment strategies.  There are significant benefits to adding rental properties based in Tasmania - most particularly commercial, but do include residential properties to your portfolio. We can offer access to a great group of professional service providers.

Is this your first Venture?

If this is your first investment in the property market other than your own home then it is important that you do your homework first. You will have done your research in terms of tax offsets and positive and negative gearing options.  We do NOT offer any advice in this area..

Comprehensive Real Estate Scoping

What we offer?

Don't invest in the wrong property, trust us to help you choose the very best for your time and money based on the market at the time of engagement.

  • Determine your most auspicious directions based on your Ming Gua.
  • We will inspect the properties and determine the energy print, including the Flying Star chart of the property.
  • There is no compromise to the energy flow.
  • Attempt to establish the history of the property.
  • Steer you away from notorious suburbs with poor tenant histories.
  • Short-list 5 properties in your preferred area. Ensure that the properties have main door and stove oriented to the most auspicious directions for you.
  • A reasonable price range for the property
  • Save you time, money and airfares.

What we don't do!

We do not offer you any guarantees that your investment strategy will be successful. We provide NO investment advice other than Feng Shui advice. We expect that you will have determined how you will finance your investment and that the strategy has been approved by your investment adviser.

Mindfulness, Tai Chi and Chi Gong

Vicki has been involved in teaching all three modalities. They are all connected to a sense of the centre and the stillness in movement and the movement in stillness. There are MANY forms of Tai Chi and 10,000 forms of Chi Gong, but stillness is stillness and our invitation is find the centre of all things and move towards that. We run regular 2.5 hour workshops throughout the year and you are invited to learn more here. Regular practice is the key to restoration of balance and equanimity and ultimately resilience.

Find out more

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